SHOULDER BURSITIS – Advanced Power Coaching for Physical and Occupational Therapists


“Revolutionary New Way to Get Rid of Shoulder Bursitis and Improve Posture

What is considered to be “SHOULDER BURSITIS”?

Shoulder Bursitis is when the bursa (a shock absorber beneath the shoulder bone) gets inflamed due to repetitive stress or injury. Pain develops and tells the body to minimize motion and irritation in the area.

Simple reaching overhead, reaching around the back, and lifting can bring on the pain or make it worse. Even lying on that side can worsen it.


The most common causes are 1) poor posture, 2) weak scapular muscles, and 3) repetitive stress. But injuries such as falling on the hand or arm can cause this problem. Having the arm immobilized for an extended period of time (eg. being in a sling or cast) often causes it as well.

Impairments it can cause…

It can make it difficult to do simple things like reach for objects, sit and work on computer, hold objects, throw or play sports, have sex, wipe after going to the bathroom, lift kids, and even sleep through the night.

Physiologically, the pain often stems from…

  • Bursa irritation and inflammation
  • Tendon and/or muscle inflammation
  • Sometimes a tear develops

When should I worry?

  • If it’s lasting more than 7 days.
  • If you’ve taken drugs but it no longer helps.
  • If simple reaching and lifting makes it worse, or lying on that side increases pain.

When does it become an emergency?

  • If you have pain without even moving it.
  • If your shoulder muscle begins to shrink (atrophy)
  • If you notice a loss in strength in arms or shoulders

If you experience any of these symptoms, call us immediately.

Traditional treatments that most try but are not as effective include:

  • Drugs or injections
  • Chiropractor
  • Acupuncture
  • Generic Physical Therapy
  • Massage
  • Generic exercises (Youtube, personal trainer)

If left untreated, shoulder bursitis can lead to “frozen shoulder”.

Shoulder bursitis often leads to “frozen shoulder” if left untreated. This is when the shoulder joint locks up and doesn’t want to move. Severe loss of motion, muscle weakness, and pain results.

Try This Self-Test to See If You Have Shoulder Bursitis.

  • Start by standing up straight with your arms to your side. If you feel pain at rest, that means you have active inflammation.
  • Attempt to reach behind your head with the painful side. If pain gradually increases throughout the movement, it’s a sign that the bursa is involved. Go as far as you can go without forcing into pain.
  • Slowly bring your arm back to your side. If the pain gradually eases as you bring your arm back down, it’s a sign that the bursa is involved.

DISCLAIMER: You must measure yourself correctly in order to get an accurate result. You may need to see a physical or occupational therapist to get an official diagnosis.

“How do you get rid of shoulder bursitis and improve posture?”

My revolutionary “Shoulder Rev” program helps to get rid of shoulder bursitis and it often works in as little as 1 session. Depending on the complexity of your condition, it may take up to 6 sessions to fix.

I discovered this solution while working with over 2,000 patients who suffered from shoulder pain. As I treated their shoulder pain, their posture and hunch back seemed to improve as well.

I did some research and discovered that in the human body there are 3 main muscles that contribute to shoulder pain, and these same 3 muscles influence the body’s posture as well. I found that if I normalize these 3 muscles (and make them strong and healthy) the shoulder pain and posture improved very quickly.

In case you were wondering, it’s all-natural. No drugs. No injections. No surgery involved.

This discovery has led to a dramatic increase in how fast my patients got better. They were able to reach, push and pull again. They were able to lift, sleep, and throw again. They were able to play sports, work and live their life again!

Not all treatments are the same.

Not all traditional shoulder pain treatments lead to a better posture (not by any means). And believe it or not, some may actually make your posture worse! Not all practitioners treat shoulder pain the same. And not all treatments target these 3 muscles.

My method is highly unique. I focus on balancing the 3 important muscles (and the entire body) to get quick maximum results.

My years of experience and research has led to the discovery of this revolutionary new way to stop SHOULDER pain and POOR POSTURE in nearly almost anyone of any age, body type or condition.

“Who are you?”

My name is James Ko, PT and I am a licensed physical therapist who specializes in shoulder and posture related disorders. I’m also a certified spine expert and have a special interest in helping those with poor posture become more pain-free, healthy and active.

“What can I expect from this program?”

  1. Get rid of shoulder pain*
  2. Lose “hunchback”
  3. Improve posture.
  4. Increase energy
  5. Improve self-esteem
  6. Move better, faster and easier

*The complexity of your condition will determine your level of results.

“How quickly will I see results?”

  1. Most feel better immediately. You can expect the pain to improve after the very first session.
  2. You could see an improvement in posture in as little as 7 days while on this program.
  3. Most are done with the program in 6 sessions and then continue on their own. Some require 12 sessions depending on the complexity of their condition.

“How much does it cost?”

  1. Because there are so many people who I believe need access to this vital information, I have created a special program to make it extremely affordable for everyone. You don’t need insurance or pay thousands of dollars.
  2. The cost ranges from $37 to $87 per session. And most complete the program within 6 sessions.
  3. The complexity of your condition will determine how many sessions you’ll need. Most everyone sees results the very first session and they love it.

“What if it doesn’t work for me?”

There’s a 100% money-back guarantee. If it doesn’t work, you can get your money back. There’s no risk.

Even if you tried other treatments before, this is guaranteed to work or your money back. So, if you tried drugs, manipulation, chiropractor, injections, acupuncture, or even surgery without success, you owe it to yourself to try this.

“What’s my next step?”

As you can imagine there are a lot of people wanting to start this program. But due to my limited availability, I only have a few spots available at any given time.

It’s only for those serious about getting rid of shoulder bursitis.

If that is you, click below and pay the refundable $10 deposit and my assistant will call you to schedule your first session. If for any reason you don’t start the program you get your $10 refunded.

Remember, this is only for you if you are serious about results.

Click button below or call (800) 801-4511 now to claim this offer before it expires.

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“What’s included in the First Session?”

The First Session includes:

  1. A private one-to-one exam by a licensed physical therapist and pain specialist.
  2. A detailed explanation of the ROOT CAUSE of your pain/problem.
  3. A list of exercises and things you can do at home to start feeling better right away.

*If time permits, you’ll receive a quick treatment as well.


“Is it safe?”

Yes. All procedures are FDA cleared and proven safe. I am a licensed Physical Therapist with over 20 years of practice in the state of CA and TX. My license # is PT21868.

“What if I had surgery before?”

It’s safe even if you’ve had surgery. You may need more sessions but you will still see results.


“I felt 90% better the first session. I couldn’t believe it. Now, I’m back to dancing with my wife and golfing again. I will be recommending you to others. Thank you!”

-William Skyler, Mid 50’s

Click button below or call (800) 801-4511 now to claim this offer before it expires.
[accept_stripe_payment name=”First Session w/Therapist” price=”10.00″ button_text=”Pay Now” description=”$10 Refundable Deposit”]

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