1Greatest Skill Info

Learn the Skill That Moves You Into the $250k to $500k Level in Take Home Pay Per Year...All Without Working Long-Hours, Late Nights, or Compromising Care.
(If You Don't Believe It's Possible, You MUST Read This)d
Only 1 Spot Available.
The 4-Week Online Training Started JAN 2 but you can watch the replay and get caught up before next session.

This is not just a "MAKE MORE MONEY" course. No, it's much more than that.
It's about breaking through to your potential.
For far too long therapists have "accepted" mediocre pay for what we do...and it's time for a change.
I want to help change it.
"Is it possible to make this much with reimbursements shrinking?"
I get this question a lot.
The question itself is indicative of the problem, which is...
Many therapists directly link our value and worth to what insurance companies are willing to pay.
And this simply is NOT true.
It's a big mistake that many have been making for quite too long.
It's time to start valuing your services (and your worth) by...
the transformations and results we achieve in a person's life
and not by "allowable rates", procedures and codes.
- We get people walking again and living a prosperous life after catastrophic injuries...
- We get athletes back to their sport making millions after seemingly unrecoverable injuries...
- We get mothers regaining critical functions and confidence to raise their children...
- We empower kids with developmental skills that enable them to live quality lives in school, jobs and society.
We do this all by targeting the root causes...not by masking systems, using dangerous drugs, or invasive procedures,...
No harmful side-effects...All-naturally!
It's time for a change.
It's time for you to start earning what you're worth.
What does it take to start making $250k to $500k per year?
First of all, it's already being done. About 11% of our profession makes this income level...and another 5% that makes even more than that.
Many of my students earn this range after my training.
So don't think it's not possible.
Here's what it takes...
The first shift, you must admit there is a problem. You can’t begin the road to improvement without admitting there is a problem.
Second, you must move away from “reacting” to your business…and start “planning” your business.
Third, you must change the way you deliver results to your clients and patients. You won’t gain more money, time, freedom and fulfillment by doing the same thing you are now. You can't treat the way you did while working a "job". Once you start selling "transformation" instead of treatments, your results change and your earnings change. And it doesn’t take thousands of hours of CEU’s and certifications either. It just takes learning the method which you can do in just 60-minutes.
If you are thinking,
“I don’t have the time or ability to earn that much especially with shrinking reimbursement.”…
Here’s what one PT had to say,
“I was skeptical but once we implemented the techniques and strategies and saw what a difference it was making, it was worth it (and they paid over $29,000) …Working with James and learning all these things just excites us to grow our practice even more.”
-Hayley Apiscopa, DPT
It’s a misconception to think that your earning power is directly linked to reimbursement dynamics and clinical skills.
If you have a desire to truly help people, learn the Greatest Skill, and apply it, you are ready.
Yes, I want to increase my earning power!
The nice surprise benefit you get from this training...
is you end up with less stress and more time for family, kids, personal time, vacations, and your health.
After this training, you will be able to…
- Understand exactly why you haven’t reached the $250k to $500k mark yet.
- Know how to actually start earning more.
- Identify the #1 biggest mistake to avoid when trying to increase your earning power.
Stop Reacting to Your Business and Start "Planning" It
Albert Einstein was once asked how he would spend his time… if he was given a problem upon which his life depended and he had only one hour to solve it.
He responded by saying…

He would spend 30 minutes analyzing the problem, 20 minutes planning the solution, and ten minutes executing it.
And that is the truth. It’s the same way for your business as well.
When you are able to clearly identify and understand the problems that are getting in your way (which can take as little as 30 min), and then construct a solid plan (taking another 20min), the execution becomes the easy part—it doesn’t take much time energy or effort to execute.
The reason I’m sharing this with you is because statistics show that over 80% of the plans business owners make fail?
Owners get too tunnel visioned and fail to see things clearly and objectively. And it’s not your fault, it’s nearly impossible for anyone within the actual situation to see things clearly.
Here’s what one of my clients had to say,…
Do you want to be able to identify and fully understand your “blockers” AND learn the skill to creating a solid plan to fixing it?
What would this do for you?!
So imagine...
Going from making $90k to $250,000 or more per year...
Walking into your clinic with the confidence to take your business wherever you want it to go.
Your patients valuing you more...
Loving your services...
And being inspired like never before...
This is not an expense.
It's an investment in yourself and your future.
This skill separates you into one of 3 categories...
The truly successful ones (making $250k to $500k per year) from the Intermediate ones (making $120k to $240k) and those who struggle and spin their wheels every day.
Let me give you a simple analogy of the 3 types of owners.
The first type of owner is the one who “wings it”. For them, something as simple as going to the grocery store to prepare for a dinner party becomes a chore. They wing it. They go to the store, go up and down every aisle (wastes time), puts a bunch of stuff in their basket, waits in line to checkout, gets in their car and on their way home realizes, “Oops, I forgot _______.” Then they go back to the store, get the product, waits in line again, checks out again, gets into their car and on their way home realizes again, “Oops…I forgot _______!!!”
Now the second type of owner doesn’t “wing it”. They create a list, and goes to the store and beelines straight to the items they need with laser-like focus. No wasted time but are in a hurry…and the task is a bit cumbersome. In the checkout line they are somewhat annoyed an irritated by how slow it’s going. They check out and get home. But the entire process was not enjoyable.
The third type of owner is like Einstein. They analyze the situation, create a list, and they don’t even go to the store themselves. They have someone else do it for them, and they can because it’s well thought out and planned. This owner enjoys their dinner party. No stress. No anxiety. And the time they saved by not having to go to the store themselves was spent exercising and promoting their health, or with their kids, or family. They have time, freedom and financial independence.
What does this skill do?
- It takes you to a higher income bracket quickly
- It changes the way you approach your marketing, ,clinical treatment design, staff training and more.
- It gives you confidence as a business owner.
You can finally get on the road to increasing your take home pay to $250 to $500k per year.
The results you’ll begin to realize is…
that that ceiling that’s been holding you back will no longer be there. And that it was actually a self-constructed ceiling, a false ceiling.

You’ll enjoy a higher level of time and freedom and realize an increase in take home income towards $250k to $500k
The fastest and ONLY way to acquire this new skill is in my special online training event.
It’s a limited-time special training on the most important skill one can acquire for greatest impact on their immediate and future success.
It’s for beginner and experienced practice owners. 4-weeks of deep and insightful training. And it starts Jan 2nd.
Here's What You Get

VALUE: $3,000
I know it goes against
"your common sense" to make this much when you might have tried before and failed.
But the reality is, it's not common sense.
See what Hayley and Joe have to say about their skepticism.
[And they paid over $29,000 for the coaching.]
You Also Get the Exact Tools James Uses

VALUE: $1,000
You will also get the exact tools and apps I personally use to create my plans but more importantly ($1,000) you learn exactly how I use these tools to get things done on a daily basis.
This list of tools, apps and resources along with the step by step instructions are invaluable but doesn’t incur any other costs for you since they are free or you’re already using them now but just incorrectly.

Mindy Murray, OTR
Kauai Therapy & Wellness
Hands down one of the best decisions I ever made was simply having James mentor me... sometimes you need the right person to guide you... He moves with the changes and you can swim right along behind him."
For those who sign up today you get this awesome bonus…
Free access to our private members only area...

($1,000) So even if you miss a live training session, you can watch it there at any time at your own leisure and go at your own pace.
You can download all tools and resources
And I will give you access to the online replay modules absolutely free.
One Last Bonus for Those Who sign-Up Today

($1,000) access to the APC private facebook community
where other business leaders and owners talk and share
ask questions, get feedback, and more.
The catch to why I'm offering this at such a low price...
is because it's not for everyone.
If you are happy with what you are making...
Absolutely refuse to believe it's impossible...
You don't want to put in the work...
Then this is not for you.
Everything You Get

Total Value: $6,000
If all this training program did was...
Now I'm not going to charge you that but if I did and you were able to enjoy your business like never before, would it be worth it?
Option 1: Just 6 Payments of $497 ($6,000)
Option 2: Just 1 Payment of $2,497 ($6,000)

(Price is scheduled to increase.)

You get 14-days to try it out and if you don't like it, get all your money back. Keep everything you received.
My name is James Ko and I'm a physical therapist currently training practice owners in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Dubai, and S. Korea.
I've built and scaled 7 of my own personal clinics and have helped thousands of other PT/OT's successfully grow their clinics. Many of whom have achieved millionaire status within 2-3 years.
Is this worth trying?
Even if it only delivers half the results of what I've claimed it can do, isn't it worth it to give it a try?
At the very least, it will pay for itself as soon as you get just three new patients that you wouldn't have gotten if not for the training.
Some get 2-3 new patients the same day of the training!
More and more clinic owners are hitting the $250-$500k earnings mark...
More than ever before. It's a sign of great things to come. But it requires a very specific skill.
What I'm talking about goes beyond marketing, cash sales, profiting and team building strategies.
It's the most important skill for the upcoming year and years to come. The good news is, you can learn it rather quickly.
The bad news is the training is hard to come by, and those who don't acquire this new skill, has a very tough road ahead of them.
I had two choices...
Either charge a little and sell a lot of seats or charge a little more and make sure I deliver absolutely World Class training and support to ensure your success. I decided to make myself available and do everything I can to make sure you get results.
So imagine…
Going from making $90k to $250,000 and more per year...
Walking into your clinic with the confidence to take your business wherever you want it to go.
Your patients valuing you more...
Loving your services...
And being inspired like never before...
This is not an expense.
It's an investment in yourself.
...and it qualifies as a business write-off as well.
WEEK 1: Learn the Skill
This is where you will learn the skill in less than 60-minutes. You will create your 2018 plan with it. Use it to remove "blockers" that's holding you back and get things done with less energy and effort (and more enjoyment).
WEEK 2: Implement Top Strategies With It
- Get your marketing in order with a sample plan. Use this exact plan or customize the template.
- Staff productivity and team-building for increased efficiency.
- Net profiting and Automation.
WEEK 3: Overcome Obstacles
- An internet tool that makes things easy.
- Three other tools no one hardly knows about
- How to automate the process.
WEEK 4: Measure Results
- Key metrics to track that only takes 2-min a day
- How to identify weaknesses and fix them
- How to increase your results with minor tweaks
My Goal
is to help clinic owners who have no plan, an ill-defined plan, or incorrect plan.
The Goal of the Training
Is to get the students to an earning level of $250k to $500k per year
Option 1: Just 6 Payments of $497 ($6,000)
Option 2: Just 1 Payment of $2,497 ($6,000)

(Price is scheduled to increase.)
There are 4 levels of earning power (take-home pay) in private practice for PT/OT’s. They are:
- $90k
- $120k
- $180k
- $250 to $500k
Each level requires a different set of skills, strategies and systems to make it there. Most “coaches” know how to help someone get to the first two levels but very few know how to get someone to $250k and above.
I have a few questions for you:
- Do you believe your services are worth more than what insurances are willing to pay?
- What kind of impact are your services making on a person’s life and do you feel your earnings equal that value?
- Do you believe with my coaching, you can start earning a level pay?
The goal of this training is to
Help You Break Through to Your Potential
and get you making $250k to $500k per year. And the only way for you to do that is by developing this #1 skill. This skill allows you to reach higher earnings never dreamed possible.
Option 1: Just 6 Payments of $497 ($6,000)
Option 2: Just 1 Payment of $2,497 ($6,000)

(Price is scheduled to increase.)
Is it possible to make this much with shrinking reimbursement?
I've tried other coaching programs before, will this one work?
What if I can't make a live training session?
Will this help me get more new patients?
Is this good for beginners?
How about OT's?
Do you offer CEU's?
What if I've been in practice over 20 years?
What if I don't like it?
Can my staff watch?
© 2017 James Ko and IndeFree. All rights reserved
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